As we shape our new curriculum and as departments plan for a more enriched, experience-based approach to learning we anticipate more learning to be taking place outside the classroom and even outside the school environment. National Guidance for Educational Visits from the Welsh Assembly Government states:
"Educational visits offer an invaluable opportunity to enrich young peoples’ learning, raise their self esteem, increase their motivation and appetite for learning and raise levels of achievement in many aspects of their life and education. Learning outside the classroom is a strong theme that runs through all stages of education in Wales. ​Schools, youth services and their employees have a central role to play in delivering and providing access to high-quality educational visits."
Therefore as a school we have a project known as Horizons. Part of this project aims to promote, support and track pupils’ experiences and enrichment opportunities as they navigate through their learning experiences.​
​Also, as part of the project, for all events in or out of school (from ski trips to chocolate welding) we will be asking learners to complete a short Pupil Voice survey for evaluation and feedback. ​
We are also committed to reflecting on each experience, giving us an opportunity to make the next experience even better.​