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Before School in the Canteen

Students are welcome to purchase food and drinks, before School, break and lunchtime. We offer a wide range of products hot and cold and cater for any dietary needs. 


Mary Immaculate is a cashless school, so students use a biometric system that parents / guardians can top up their accounts online. 


click here for cashless system information


Students who are entitled to free school meals will have their accounts topped up automatically daily, with the option to top up if required.


We also have Theme Days throughout the year which our students love and we explore different dishes from around the world. 


We use biodegradable products and have a water fountain to encourage students to bring their own sport bottles to reduce waste and help with the environment.


Mary Immaculate also uses fair-trade products and sources local suppliers to provide food to be produced. We also use fresh vegetables from the school garden in our dishes. 


The canteen is run by the school but follows all Welsh Government guidelines. Our catering manager Mrs Taylor is able to answer any queries you may have, or work out any special dietary requirements that are needed for your child. 


To view what is being served in our canteen this week, please click here.

Pupils Meeting in the Canteen

School Meals


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